Kitt's Lane, West Meon,
30 7 2023.
Kitt's Lane, West Meon, 30 7 2023
All Seeing A Eye
This crop formation seemed to have appeared partly in request to expectations
concerning a crop circle expedition I made with good friends of mine. Before reporting
this personal adventure I will elaborate on some basics of the design.
Looking at the the design of the formation, the basic elements of it can be described as
1. the actual eye,
2. the checkerboard pattern added above and below the eye,
3. the outer ring consisting woven lay.
Eye icons.
ad 1. The eye itself appears very simple, I would say emblematic. Icons like these may stand
for viewing, for teevee channel, for visibility, for personalizing oversight, things like that.
Remarkable I find how the corners are chopped by the ring of woven lay. Possible explanations
for that will follow further down this article.
ad 2. The checkerboard pattern is depicted in a way that it suggests curved lines. The real
curved lines of the eye synchronise with the pattern. It looks as if the eye bubbles up through
the pattern. So, there's also a 3D effect.
Besides the suggestion of curved lines, there's also the construct of straight lines itself.
These lines can easily represent construction lines as used in drawings for expressing a
3D perspective.
A checkerboard can represent for example a playing field, a digital floor, a dualistic ground
or tiles of division.
ad 3. Typifying for the outer ring is its weave. In terms of position this ring can be thought
of as extended. It can refer to a wider horizon, a broadened view.
The beautiful and subtle weave in its ley might hint to the universal fabric of creation in
which tattva (substance) and mantra (sound) interact with eachother (tantra), manifesting all
that exists.
Next to these three basic elements there's, in my understanding, another aspect of importance
to be involved for further interpretation. That is the adress name of the formation; "Kitt's Lane".
It could very well refer to the artificial intelligent driven car from the popular TV series
"Knight Rider". The TV series and also movies have delivered a world wide understanding
concerning AI future applications by involving a futuristic supercar listening to the name "Kitt".
(from its micro processor "Knight Industry Two Thousends") Kitt's primary function is the
preservation of human life.
Let's now jump to the personal adventure I had with my friends concerning this formation.
After that I will go deeper into interpretations.
We inside the formation.
To start my report about the more personal experiences, I have to say that in line with my crop circle
studies I had been trying to detect crop circles that express clear references to the theme of AI.
Since the beginning of this year of writing, 2023, AI has been booming like for example the internet
did in 1994. This most of all due to the succesful Chat GPT, a language model based chatbot developed
by OpenAI.
Although I found some crop formations that probably refer to the theme, they did not gave me enough
convincing material to work with. It was with this half forgotten AI-theme-reflecting-in-crop-circles
expectation that I started another wonderful crop circle vacation.
My dear soulmate and friend Roos Kanis and her partner Peter van Keulen invided me to have a crop circle
expedition together with them this year. As I couldn't resist, we soon found ourselves on the ferry to Dover.
It was on the ferry I told Peter how happy I was he had come with us, as in my experience it is far
from uncommon that newcomers to the crop circle magic land get initiated, so to speak, by a formation
that has very personal hallmarks for them. So yes, I told him, I was convinced he would get a
surprise aswell...
Also, I made him read my latest crop circle article about this seasons first authentic crop circle
in Italy. The article explains about source energy, nature awareness and the well that can not be replaced.
Late at night we arrived in England and drove our vans to the direction of the Winchester environs
where we had planned to see our first crop circle for the holiday. That would be the one at
Lane End Down near Beauworth.
As it was getting late and we were tired, we decided to park our vans at a more or less randomly
choosen carpark. That was at Ludshott Common Road in the vicinity of a wishing well! Early in the
morning, before we would head to the Lane End Down crop circle, we paid a visit to this wishing well.
I'm not sure what my friends had wished, but I wished what I usually wish for. That is quality
of life for all human beings, knowing we are in essence all one.
Randell at the Waggoners Well.
Then, we hit the road again and in our hurry to find the Lanes End crop circle we drove past the
fresh Kitt's Lane formation that we didn't know of yet!
At Lanes End we could not find the crop circle as its field had been harvested, but we met a
woman who told us full of enthousiasm she had just been in another brand new crop circle near
West Meon! She said it looked like an eye, while at the same time her eye would fall on the sticker
of my car. She shouted out: "It looks just like that!"
Marden crop circle car sticker and actual crop circle.
We realised immediatly that this was the present we had ordered. I congradulated Peter and we
left no time wasted to turn around and visit Kitt's lane.
At arrival there was a couple I recognised from a youtube video I had just seen a couple of days
earlier. (Happy Van & Drone Adventures) They were doing their drone thing while we were proudly
showing the car sticker of the Marden crop circle from august 26 of 2005. Then we rushed into
the field. The formation sure did not dissapoint us. What a beauty!
Visiting Kitt's Lane crop circle.
Combining my AI-in-crop-circles quest, the name Kitt's Lane and the interface eye icon, it becomes
appearent to me this formation could point to a message concerning artificial intelligence.
In that case the dominating emblematic eye stands for the option of viewing, of seeing, of
overseeing etc. in direct relation to a digital environment expressed bij the checkerboard pattern.
Chopped eye corner.
Remarkable I find the chopped eye corners. When one is viewing through the eye corners it is
commonly associated with suspicion aswell as with alertness or attention. As the eye corners are
absent, one could think of absence of mistrust or absence of alertness. This makes the eye very
much a TV eye indeed if you ask me.
In line with the possible AI interpretation, the checkerboard pattern, as just stated, can be
interpreted as digital in nature. This next to very many other interpretations as abstract geometry
offers so but which, in this essay I won't go to.
For now, notice how not only the eye corners have disappeared. In case one starts connecting
the gridlines of the checkerboard pattern it becomes clear that also the so called disappearing or
starting points of the construct for perspective have disappeared.
In other words, the view is limited by what is showen. The computer- or smartphone icon that
opts for seeing offers limited seeing here.
The checkerboard pattern seems to expresses a digital order.
Its diamonds or tiles can be seen as an abstraction of files, of templates, layers, and the like.
Even screens or pixels I would suggest. One can understand the digital world in general presents a
limited perspective, no matter how intelligent, how perfect or desireable.
It is in the pixels option the limitations become very obvious as they are all square. There is
no other way then to construct bend lines by configurating the square pixels in a roundish fashion.
It means the bend lines will never be really bend but just an illusion. There's only the suggestion
of rounded shapes. It can be realised what a profound limitation that actually is compared to all
of natures creations.
We are faced with a reality tremendeously larger than the digital matrix substracted from it.
Seeing the diamonds as files, containing all sorts of information, one can imagine the
diversity of all it can be about.
AI supercar named Kitt.
To recall Kitt's primary function, "preservation of human life" one wonders how much it deals
with human related subjects. Do the files store all that is gathered about individuals? Or could
they be about aspects of individuals? And if so, what will it dismiss due to how it is programmed?
How could it ever preserve something it can not oversee? All knowledge it has gained was just the
input that was part of the whole. It wasn't the whole.
It occurs very absurd to me it is directed to AI to preserve human life. Still, we as individuals,
representers of the human kind, have to relate to the idea pushed forward so rapitly. But how?
At this stage I can only speculate what would be the best way to do that.
Patternfinding is one of AI's main activities due to self learning instructions. I believe it
to be important to observe our patterns of living, of our thinking, of our acting under all sorts
of circumstances. AI does something similar allready in order to predict our behaviours.
Accordingly, we are subject to manipulations based on certain agenda's, programs, applications
and algorithms.
Unless we agree with AI taking over control of our lives, it makes much sense to fool AI's
"understanding" of our behaviours. We therefor should be aware of our behaviours, the patterns
we so often seem to carry with us or be part of and that are predictable for the system.
Whilst being aware of these behaviours we can choose other behaviours instead. We can behave
unpredictable where necessary. We can leave old patterns of behaviour behind.
The division in light and dark tiles of the checkerboard could relate to, for example,
wisdom and foolishness, waking and sleeping, the known and the unknown.
In case it is possible to outsmart AI at all, then a jump in personal evolution has to be
an important part of it. It seems to me we have to leave the seemingly endless rhythm of
climbing and falling, of waking and sleeping behind or trancend it.
The subtle weave of outer ring.
In extend to this we should find area's beyond the digital realm where we can exist without
being mislead, strangled, hunted, being repressed and enslaved, etc. I'm thinking of life
frequencies that go unnoticed by the lower and dogmatic assumptions of the elites in charge.
In fact I believe the outer ring of subtle weave might represent such an area. The ring
reflects only light in various nuances.
It is these life frequencies that open up a whole new dimension of cosmic connections
and that take way to much to eleborate about for now. However, the crop circle phenomenon
in general seem more than often to reflect on, or to involve with, that realm. I keep on
saying it provides us hope, no matter how dark things may turn.
Epic picture taken by Hannah Allison.